
Showing posts from March, 2020


INTRODUCTION: Hello & Namaste Everyone! We are a group of Registered Nurses managing this blog. This blog is created with the purpose of providing effective and easy to understand notes for students in nursing school. This blog provides notes on important topics. We in no sense imply that the notes or writings originally belongs to us but this is only to provide students with learning materials and impart knowledge which will help them in future projects. If you have any queries or recommendations please kindly comment below. :) Thanking you!!

Digestive Disorders in Children

Intestinal Obstruction:              Intestinal obstruction is a partial or complete blockage of the small or large intestine resulting in failure to pass intestinal contents through the bowel normally.              It is one of the most common surgical emergency during childhood and need prompt intervention. Types: Mechanical Obstruction:          Bowel is physically blocked and its contents cannot get passed normal ways. May be acute or chronic. Common causes are adhesion, hernia, tumor, volvulus, intussusceptions etc. Non- mechanical Obstruction:        Also called paralytic ileus because of impairment of intestinal peristalsis activity an common after surgery. Causes: Congenital Cause: Atresia: abnormal narrowing of opening. Incarcerated hernia: occurs when herniated tissue becomes trapped and cannot easily be moved back to place. Imperfo...

Glasgow Coma Scale

Easy way to memorize Glasgow coma scale;      Glasgow coma scale is a neurological scale which aims to give a reliable and objective way of recording the state of person's consciousness for initial as well as subsequent assessment. Highest Score- 4 + 5 + 6 = 15  Lowest score- 1 + 1 + 1 = 3 Eye Response: (ESPN)  CRITERIA                                                           SCORE Spontaneous E ye Opening                            4 To S timulus                                                   3 To P ain                        ...

Hand & Finger Bones

The bones of the hand are divided into 5 parts. They are; 1. Phalanges. 2. Metacarpals. 3. Carpals. Carpal Bones: S ome L overs T ry P ositions T hat T hey C annot H andle. S- Scaphoid. L- Lunate. T- Trapezium. P- Pisiform. T- Trapezoid. T- Triquetrum. C- Capitate. H- Hamate.