
Showing posts from April, 2020

Myocardial Infarction ( Heart Attack)

Introduction:       Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI), commonly known as a heart attack is the irreversible necrosis of heart muscle secondary to prolonged ischemia. Results from an imbalance is oxygen supply and demand, caused by plaque rupture with thrombus formation in a coronary vessel, resulting in an acute reduction of blood supply to a portion of the myocardium. Risk factors: Non-modifiable risk factors: Age. Sex. Genetic Influence. Race. Modifiable risk factors: High Blood pressure. Smoking. High cholesterol. Weight and inactivity. Diabetes. Causes: Age: Individuals aged >40 years have 8 times greater risk for AMI. Sex: Men- >55 years. Women- >65 years. Smoking: Increases the risk by 4 times. Obesity: people who have excess body fat especially at the waist are most likely to develop heart disease. Lack of physical exercise: has been linked to 7- 12% of the cases. Acute and prolonged intake of high quantity of alco...

Memorize Coagulation Factors

COAGULATION FACTORS. F reshers P arty T oday C ome L et's S ing A nd C all S eniors P lease H ave F un. I) F ibrinogen. II) P rothrombin. III) T hromboplastin. IV) C alcium. V) L abile factor. VII) S table Factor. VIII) A nti Haemolytic factor A. IX) C hristmas Factor. X) S tuart prower factor. XI) P TA ( Plasma Thromboplastin Antecedent. XII) H ageman factor. XII) F ibrin stabilizing factor. PS: Coagulation factor VII is no longer used.

Nursing Management of Trigeminal Neuralgia

        Nursing Management  Fig. Patient having pain due to trigeminal neuralgia  1. Nursing Assessment : Detailed history and physical examination : it should include detailed patient history , medical past   history , chief complaints of sudden unilateral , severe , stabbing , paroxysmal and recurrent pain. Physical examination of ear , mouth , teeth and temporal mandibular joint. Look thoroughly for SWEET criteria.  Assessment of nutritional status and dehydration Assess patient's anxiety and depression  2. Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions : a) Chronic pain related to activation of trigger zones along the nerve pathways .  Assess current pain management strategies and effectiveness .It is done for measuring the      effectiveness of new pain strategies.   Assess patient's knowledge of specific trigger activities for pain.This is done to identify factors that can be manipula...

Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia

               Trigeminal Neuralgia  Anatomy of trigeminal nerve         The trigeminal nerve is the largest of 12 cranial nerves. Its main function is transmitting sensory information to the skin, sinuses and mucous membranes in the face. It also stimulates movement in the jaw muscles.        The trigemnial nerve has three different divisions. Each division has different functions .  Opthalmic division :  The opthalmic division conveys sensory information from the : scalp forehead upper parts of the sinuses upper eyelid and associated mucous membranes  cornea of the eye bridge of the nose                                 Maxillary division : Like the opthalmic division, the maxillary division of trigemnial nerve has a sensory component. It transmits sensory information fr...