
Showing posts from February, 2020


SIGNS OF PREGNANCY: PRESUMATIVE signs PROBABLE signs POSITIVE: FETUS signs PRESUMATIVE signs: P: Period absent. R: Really tired (exhaustion). E: Enlarged Breast. S: Sore breast. U: Urination increase. M: Movements (Quickening). E: Emesis (Nausea) PROBABLE signs: P: Positive pregancy. R: Returning of fetus when uterus pushed with fingers. (Ballottement). O: Outline of fetus palpated. B: Baxton Hicks Contraction. A: A softening cervix. (Goodell's sign). B: Bluish colored vagina, vulva, cervix. (Chodwicks sign). L: Lower uterine segment soft. (Hegar sign). E: Enlarged uterus. POSITIVE signs: FETAL F: Fetal movement. E: Electronic device detects. T: The delivery of baby. U: USG S: See visible movement by doctors/ nurses.

Opthalmic Disorders

Conjunctivitis: It is the inflammation of the conjunctiva, a thin mucous membrane lining the inner aspect of eyelids. It is also known as Pink eye. Etiology: All ages and all seasons especially autumn and spring. Bacterial Infections Viral Infections Chlamydia Infections Chemicals Chronic irritation Clinical Manifestations: ( REDBV) Unilateral or bilateral RED EYE . EYE IRRITATION . DISCHARGE from eyes: which may be watery, mucoid, mucopurulent or purulent. BURNING SENSATION . Blurred VISION, clears with blinking. Types: 1. Allergic Conjunctivitis:  Due to allergic reactions. (poison, cosmetics, dust) Lacrimation (excessive tear flow), photophobia, redness, itching of eye, edema of eyelids, watery discharge are the clinical features. 2. Bacterial Conjunctivitis:  Due to bacteria like Staphylococcus, Pneumonococcus, Pseudomonas species. 3. Viral Conjunctivitis: Caused by a wide variety of viruses. Like Adenovirus, Herpes simpl...

Circulatory system

FETAL CIRCULATION Special Structures in Fetal Circulation Placenta: where gas exchange takes place during fetal life. Umbilical arteries: Carry de-oxygenated blood from the fetus to placenta. 2 in number. Umbilical vein: Brings oxygenated blood coming from the placenta to the fetus. 1 in number. Foramen Ovale: connects the left and right atrium. It pushes/ shunts blood from the right atrium to the left atrium. Ductus Venosus: Carry oxygenated blood from umbilical vein to inferior vena cava, by passing fetal liver. Ductus Arteriosus: carry oxygenated blood from pulmonary artery to aorta, bypassing the fetal lungs. Flow Chart of Fetal Circulation Detail: The umbilical vein carrying the oxygentaed blood (80% saturated) from the placenta, enters the fetus at the umbilical and runs along the free margins of the falciform ligament of the liver. In the liver, it gives off branches to the left lobe of the liver and receives the deoxygentaed blood from the portal vein. The g...